Peace of mind for Newquay Hypnotherapy with Wildanet's fast, reliable broadband

Adam Pearson’s internet was previously patchy and unreliable which wasn’t ideal when running his hypnotherapy business from home. Having Wildanet’s broadband has made a huge change to both his professional and personal life.

Drawn by the surf but also the town’s environment and interesting people, Adam has now lived in Newquay for eight years. He started his business, Newquay Hypnotherapy, from home, to help people suffering from anxiety, phobias and more.

Personally, Adam relies on his internet for streaming and listening to music. As a musician, he needs to be able to stream, share and communicate reliably online. With family in Hampshire, it was also important for him to be able to keep in touch via video calls.

Professionally, good connectivity a fundamental part of Newquay Hypnotherapy. Around 20% of Adam’s clients opt for online sessions while others mix and match. During the COVID-19 pandemic, however, all of his business had to move online.

As well as his online appointments, Adam also uses the internet for his online marketing via his website and social media channels.

“As a therapist, it’s a very personal relationship you have with people online and any distraction that gets in the way of that, it’s manageable, but I also work with a lot of people with high levels of anxiety, so I really want the process to be as smooth and easy for them as possible,” he said. 


Before signing up to Wildanet, Adam became so used to his slow internet speed that buffering while streaming in the evening was a common occurrence. From a work perspective, he found the connection becoming more untenable as time went on and decided to seek out other options.

As part of his career, Adam does a lot of networking, and it was at one of these events he met a Wildanet representative.

Drawn to the fact that Wildanet is a local business, with local people and local interests, he said: “I think the whole project of getting the entire peninsula connected is a really important one for the whole socio-economic fabric of Cornwall.”

He also recognises the value of connecting rural communities and the importance to people’s health and wellbeing: “I think part of the essential fabric of any society is to be connected in meaningful ways and there are lots of different methods in which people do that.”

Having appealed to Adam’s own perspective on community and connectivity, he chose to give Wildanet a try and was pleasantly surprised about how quick and easy it was to get connected.

“I gave someone a call and the rest was very quickly history. I’d been reassured it would be a fairly straightforward process, but I wasn’t necessarily expecting someone to come and do it the next day. It probably only took 20 minutes until it was done, and I was up and running.”

Now, thanks to Wildanet, Adam can access the internet more freely and reliably in both his personal and professional life.

“Access to Wildanet’s high speed broadband enables me to do several things more successfully. It allows me to expand and to do my core functions and practises in my music, personal and business life.”

If Adam has an in-person appointment, then setting up beforehand takes time to make sure everything is ready. If his next appointment is a virtual one, he no longer has to worry about how much time he’ll need to get online.

“I know that on the hour I can just press a button and be online. I do that many times a day so that’s really valuable.”

No longer having to settle for slow speeds, Adam’s eyes have opened to the things he can do differently. Now, in his personal time he can access the internet more spontaneously: “Wildanet has made a big difference to my daily life. I guess, in a way, it’s gone into the background, so I don’t have to think about it very much, which is really nice.

“My main job is to take stress out of people’s lives or to help them take stress out of their own lives, partly because it’s nice and relaxing, but actually we all perform much better when we’re not concerned about things we don’t need to be worrying about.

“Wildanet has taken a lot of stress out of my work because I’m really confident it’s just going to work in that respect. The biggest difference it’s made is just peace of mind and confidence.”

Reinforcing that poor internet doesn’t have to be the norm, Adam said: “It’s easy to think that’s what you have to deal with — well it isn’t. You might actually be able to get the service that you want at the speed you want and continuity that you want in a really nice relationship.

“If anyone asked me to recommend an internet provider, I would absolutely suggest speaking to Wildanet.”

To find out more about Newquay Hypnotherapy, visit:

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