How Can I Ensure Reliable and High-Speed Broadband For An Event?

Organising events, such as conferences, trade shows, or music festivals, requires careful planning and attention to detail. All aspects must be considered, and one of the most important factors is reliable and robust broadband solutions. Without them, attendees will struggle to fully immerse themselves in the environment and activities, and vendors will have a hard time with business operations and receiving payment.

For hosts and vendors, poor internet connectivity can have a huge impact on the success of an event and the way their business is perceived, so it’s safe to say it’s important. 


What is Event Broadband?

Event broadband, also known as event Wi-Fi, offers a temporary solution for establishing a high-speed and reliable internet connection at events. It’s designed to meet a wide range of demands and can be tailored to suit the specific needs of all types of small and large events. Unlike conventional broadband infrastructures, which are permanent, event broadband ensures a connection with speed, capacity, and reliability without needing a permanent set-up.

With event broadband, you can bring WiFi from anywhere to everywhere with a temporary connection. This not only enhances the overall connectivity and fluidity of the event but also supports high availability and strong connections in even the most remote locations.


Ensuring Reliable and High-Speed Broadband for Your Event


Assess Your Needs

Start by assessing your event's internet requirements, including the number of attendees, the type of activities requiring internet access, and the expected usage patterns. This will help you determine the bandwidth capacity and coverage area needed to support your event.

However, you can also rely on providers' experience to offer additional insight and support in this regard. Providers with experience with event broadband will better understand the best practices and potential issues involved and be able to provide viable solutions.

Choose the Right Provider

During the planning process, where you’ll establish your needs, you’ll also want to conduct some research into suitable providers and identify those that best suit your needs. Selecting the right event broadband provider is crucial to ensuring a successful event and happy attendees. Look for providers with experience in temporary internet solutions for events of similar size and scale. 

Consider factors such as coverage area, bandwidth capacity, technical support, and security features when evaluating providers.

Plan Ahead To Prevent/Reduce Downtime

Ideally, you’ll experience minimal issues and no downtime. But you can’t predict the future, so it pays to have a backup plan in place. This is a vital consideration to discuss with your service provider, as they possess the expertise, knowledge, and problem-solving skills required to overcome technical headaches at events.

Depending on your requirements, turning a mobile device into a hotspot can offer a short-term solution. However, for reliability and speed, it’s critical to speak to your provider and understand potential issues and how to solve them. Fortunately, event providers such as Wildanet have dedicated technical specialists who create bespoke, monitored solutions for events.  

Test the Connection

While it may sound like obvious advice, test your internet connection prior to the event. Then check it again. Thoroughly test your event broadband connection to ensure it meets performance requirements, capacity, and reliability when connected to several devices. 

Test the connection across different areas of the event venue and simulate high-demand scenarios to identify any potential issues that must be addressed. For example, if you have a stage show planned with displays and similar equipment, do a dry run as if it were the real event and see how your system holds up. 

If you’re unhappy with the performance, speed, or any other aspect of the connection, contact your provider for expert advice.

Partner with a Specialist

Event broadband is more complex and very much a specialist service, so it makes sense to utilise the skills and knowledge of a specialist team. Broadband providers such as Wildanet have a wealth of experience crafting reliable and robust event Wi-Fi infrastructures for all types of events. From simplistic marketplace environments to large-scale festivals with high demands for online connectivity.

If you want to ensure high-speed and reliable broadband for events, it’s crucial to seek the guidance and services of experienced professionals. Otherwise, you risk your event's success and reputation. Thanks to the internet, society is more connected than ever before, and people get frustrated when they can’t get online. That’s not good at events where there’s such great potential for business and brand growth.

Enhance Your Event Broadband with Wildanet

Want to ensure reliable and high-speed broadband for your next event? With Wildanet’s expertise and tailored solutions, we'll help you create a connected and engaging experience for your event attendees, exhibitors, and vendors. Contact our team today for seamless, high-quality event broadband.